Letter from the President of TSL

TSL is a privately-owned firm located in the beautiful coastal city of Fort Walton Beach, Florida.  Our corporate headquarters and facilities are located in Fort Walton Beach's Commerce and Industrial Park where we have ample room for our continued growth and expansion.

Andy Corbin, President of TSL

During our 46 years in business, we have compiled an enviable record of innovation in the areas of microwave amplifier development, power distribution, weather instrumentation and digital switching systems.  Our customers have included most of the major departments of the U.S. Government as well as large corporations such as L-3, Lockheed-Martin, Raytheon and BAE Systems.

In 2001, TSL procured the assets of Reico, Inc. and continued sales and manufacturing of the Reico line including RF and audio matrix switches, multicouplers and low frequency amplifiers.

I have been a Rotarian since 1986 and I try to conduct TSL’s business in accordance with Rotary International’s Four Way Test© of the things we think, say and do:

  1. Is it the truth?
  2. Is it fair to all concerned?
  3. Will it build goodwill and better friendships?
  4. Will it be beneficial to all concerned?

As a multi-generation, family-owned business, TSL is proud of our legacy and record of success.  Our goal is to provide the highest quality products at a reasonable price within the delivery schedule promised.  I give you my personal guarantee of satisfaction and I look forward to demonstrating our motto of Performance. Delivered.

Thanks for visiting our website.

Andy Corbin
